Announcing DFG’s New Look
We are happy to announce that after hard work our team has finalized the upgrade process of our branding and website in order to illustrate in a clear way how we work and our mission in the Blockchain industry.
Let’s begin with our logo. We have upgraded it to a more minimalistic version of what it was in the past with a more versatile design and a lighter set of colors that will outshine our fellow investment firms in the space.
Our website has also been greatly modified to reflect our way of thinking and investment, clear and to the point. In combination with our slick new logo and distinct website design, our objective is to give visitors an immediate taste of what areas we are focused on and our mission to see them thrive.
Additionally, we’ve decided to add certain highlights to our portfolio with companies that will allow visitors to understand our investment strategy and mission to support understated use cases being solved by excellent teams.
We have also added the DFG Insights section which will give readers a one-stop place to find our blog posts, press releases, and participation as well as our DFG Club videos and posts.
Finally, the team and about section have also been simplified to show the important members that work daily on supporting and pushing this industry to levels never witnessed before, while sharing our past, present, and future as a distinguished investment firm that focuses on empowering Blockchain and Web3.0
For a more detailed view, we invite you to visit our website, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts.